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You searched for: Tag: gay coming out family
    martytx07  36, Male, Texas, USA - 53 entries
Mar 2009
1:59 AM CST

im bascialy out to my whole family!

so just wanted to say that i came out to almost all of my imediate family. it feels like a lot of weights have been lifted and the support that i got from all of them has been pretty good. only my sister rose cried.... i knew she would she cries for everything. she was the one i was worried about telling but she was pretty fine with it. i just texted her and told her. she just told me i have always been supportive of her so she is gonna always do the same for me and yada yada. she was a little upset that i had told a lotofpeople before her...only 3 but i was just like rose theyre all gay. of course i would tell them first. i needed that support behind me. ok well im gonna cut this short cause im using my phone and i cant type as well as i can on the computer so yeah. ill talk to yall later! oh so total ummm 6 people know. 3 sisters 1 bro and 2 cuz. need to tell my bro and parents...well see how that goes.

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